In 2020, I endeavor to be STILL. As in Psalm 46:10, “Be STILL, and know that I am God.” where He reigns in my heart, instead of myself. As in, I’m STILL a work in progress. As in, I want to find the peace in the STILLness, amidst the chaos of the world.
STILL is my word of the year for 2020.
Choosing a word of the year is something I’ve done for several years now. In 2019 it was Rise, in 2018 it was Savor, in 2017 it was Shine and 2016 it was Grow. I’ve also chosen a corresponding Bible verse to serve as a reminder throughout the year. And for the past few years, I’ve also created a vision board. At first I used to skip over this step until a friend challenged me to try and it and now it’s one of my favorites parts of the prepwork, to help set the tone for the year ahead.
I’ve combined the concept of a Level 10 Life and the Powersheets workbook to help create goals for 8 specific areas of my life, as well as the steps (or sub-goals) which will be implemented at different times of the year to help reach those larger goals. For 2020, they are:
Health: Learn and implement what my body needs to be strong and healthy.
- Understand what is best for my body through nutrition, exercise and vitamins.
- Cultivate an exercise regime to include stretching or yoga.
- Make diet changes.
Personal: Be open to change.
- Change habits (listen better, stop interrupting, enjoy stillness).
- Practice self care (read 40 books, write/journal, scrapbook monthly recaps).
- Grow in gratitude (journaling, thank you’s).
Finances: Become a better steward of our resources.
- Implement and use a budget.
- Live with less (start quarterly shopping freeze, develop a capsule wardrobe).
- Become a better investor (financial review, education for the whole family, continue consolidation of assets).
Spiritual: Listen and obey through being still.
- Be in the Word (write the word, Bible reading plan).
- Continue community with believers (celebrating Sabbath, church, PWOC, IF:Table).
- Be still (journaling, prayer and meditation).
Spouse: Reconnect with Roland and love him better.
- 20 dates in 2020.
- Continue marriage counseling.
- Learn more about the Enneagram #2
- Speak more words of affirmation.
Family: Foster greater quality time together.
- Celebrate well (more surprises, make Sabbath extra special, make a long-term Live List).
- Help mom by listening and not problem-solving.
- Get active (5K series, after-dinner walks).
Work: Redefine success.
- Reevaluate work situation.
- Book progress.
Recreation: Make space for FUN.
- Better quality time together (screen free hours, board game competition, individual monthly dates).
- Navigate the pre-teen transitions (It’s Good to Be Books).
- Celebrate well (traditions, Sabbath dinners, try new recipes – 12 types of bread).